Blue flowering ground ivy or Creeping Charlie
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Why You Should Reconsider Getting Rid Of Ground Ivy In Your Yard
Weeds may seem like the natural enemy of a plant enthusiast, but some are better than others. Ground ivy, for example, has many beneficial uses both in the yard and the kitchen.
Insects have trouble navigating its dense ground-covering foliage and can’t burrow into the soil. The fast-growing weed, when monitored, is a natural alternative to pesticides.
Ground ivy prevents worms and beetles from getting into your garden while its nectar invites pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, aiding in the growth of your garden.
Traditionally, this herb from the mint family has been used to relieve respiratory and digestive symptoms. It’s high in antioxidants and can be used to combat the common cold.
Along with drinking a tea infused with ground ivy, you can cook with it. Its slightly bitter, minty taste can uplift fruit salads or add an extra note to a winter stew.