Why Do People Put Teal Pumpkins On Their Porches In The Fall?
During the Halloween season, some households choose to promote inclusivity by placing teal-colored pumpkins on their porches as signs of support for kids with food allergies.
Given that one in 13 children has food allergies, many traditional Halloween candies — containing ingredients like soy, nuts, milk, eggs, and wheat — can be hazardous for them.
Instead of holding the typical candy, teal pumpkins indicate that the household offers allergen-free treats or fun non-food items like toys for kids prone to allergic reactions.
This initiative, named the Teal Pumpkin Project, was started by FARE (Food Allergy Research and Education), proclaiming teal as the color for food allergy awareness on Halloween.
If you'd like to participate, you can register your house on the Teal Pumpkin Project Map online, which will help parents identify participating households in their area.