What To Consider When Picking A Chainsaw For Your Yard And Garden
Many people rely on chainsaws as outdoor power tools to help cut firewood, trim branches, and cut down trees. Consider how you'll use it to figure out which design to purchase.
The primary difference among chainsaw designs is the method of power they use. Electric chainsaws are more cost-effective than fuel-powered units and best suited for small jobs.
Electric chainsaws are instant-start machines, unlike those that are powered by a gas-oil fuel mixture. They also tend to run more quietly, which is helpful if you have neighbors.
Fuel-powered chainsaws offer a greater range of power levels for firewood of varying diameters. Unlike electric chainsaws, they're not limited by battery life or an electric cord.
The guide bar length is a key measurement when it comes to size. Models with short guide bars are lighter and more precise, while longer models can cut large pieces of wood.
For simple pruning jobs, consider a mini design with a 4-, 6-, or 8-inch guide bar. Homeowners often use 12- or 14-inch guide bars for occasionally cutting small branches.
If you regularly cut firewood, opt for 16-, 18-, or 20-inch guide bars. Models with guide bars up to 36 inches are available for professionals who often cut down large trees.
The engine is measured in cubic centimeters (cc). A larger engine will measure 55cc and tend to be heavier with a longer guide bar, while an average-sized engine is 45cc to 55cc.