What It Means If Your Staircase Has An Upside-Down Spindle
If you live in an old house that still has its original staircase and one of its spindles is installed upside-down, your home has a secret connection to the supernatural realm.
Up until the 18th century, spindles were often installed upside down by religious carpenters either to keep demons out of the home or to subtly praise the Lord's perfection.
It was thought that staircases symbolized a link between the human and spiritual world and that incorporeal entities could use them as a bridge between the two.
To ward off malevolent spirits, carpenters began leaving an inverted baluster in the staircases they built, believing that this would confuse the spirits and drive them away.
In addition, Christian carpenters who believed that only God can be perfect would put an intentional flaw into their work to show that humans cannot be, thus inverted spindles.