An ivy plant trailing from a shelf above a toilet.
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What Indoor Ivy Can Do To Purify Your Home
When inhaled, airborne mold spores can cause allergic reactions, respiratory issues, and other chronic health problems. Adopting an ivy plant is a great way to purify your home.
With its cascading, evergreen leaves, the low-maintenance English ivy is known for its ability to remove airborne toxins — a claim that has been backed up by NASA research.
Ivy plants adeptly capture and absorb volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like formaldehyde, benzene, and mold spores, breaking them down or rendering them inert.
The plant’s foliage serves as a surface for trapping VOCs, while its roots and surrounding microorganisms aid in processing these pollutants as a food source.
Although it prefers indirect bright light, ivy is an adaptable plant and can tolerate lower light conditions. It doesn’t need frequent watering and will grow easily in most homes.
Moreover, the ivy’s capability to eliminate airborne mold spores can effectively curtail mold proliferation in homes, contributing to a healthier indoor environment.