Spraying weeds in a domestic garden.
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Types Of Weed Killer To Consider Before Spraying Your Lawn
Residual weed killers is a type of herbicide that can prevent the growth of weeds, by inhibiting growth from the roots up. They are available in granular or liquid forms.
This herbicide can take several days or weeks to take effect but lasts for up to six months, making it a good option for areas where weeds are persistent.
It is particularly effective in preventing weed growth in garden beds, borders, and other landscaped areas. However, if it makes contact with plants, it can harm them.

Kill-on-contact, or foliar herbicide, is a spray that works quickly, often within a few hours or days, but only destroys leaves and stems above soil level.
A good option for driveways, sidewalks, and patios, it's likely unsuitable for larger areas as multiple applications may be necessary to kill the weed entirely to the roots.
Systemic weed killer is an easy-to-apply, long-lasting herbicide that moves through the entire plant, including the roots, to kill the weed entirely.
It is effective for controlling perennial weeds in lawns, fields, and meadows and can be used for spot treatment on individual weeds in garden beds or landscaped areas.
Available in liquid form, it may harm desirable plants if not applied correctly. The herbicide will absorb to the weed's roots if sprayed into growing leaves in spring or autumn.