Certain fabrics — such as chenille, fleece, and flannel — shed in the washer or dryer. Separate them from the rest of your load to protect your other garments.
New clothes and linens also shed a lot of fuzz when they’re first washed, so wash them separately for the first two washes. The few extra loads of laundry are worth it.
When you move your laundry to the dryer, toss in a few microfiber cloths. As the fabrics dry, the lint will be attracted to the microfiber, instead of getting back on your clothes.
Apply anti-static spray to your clothes to redistribute the electrons and neutralize the charge on them so they don’t create static that attracts lint.
Turning your clothes inside-out before washing them will keep the nap on the inside. This will remove some self-consciousness about wearing an outfit covered with fuzz.
When you turn your clothes inside out, the outside of the clothes will remain more protected against damage, wear, and lint, keeping them looking new for longer.
Grab a cloth such as a dish towel, wash cloth, or microfiber cloth, and dampen it. Squeeze out the excess water and rub it over any areas where lint is present.