This Household Staple Is The Key To Removing Mold From Your Patio
Patios make great additions to any home, but being outside does leave them susceptible to mold. Luckily, you may have in your laundry room the means to tackle mold: oxygen bleach.
Oxygenated bleach’s composition is powerful enough to kill mold while still being safe to use outdoors. It’s biodegradable, so you don’t have to worry about it damaging your lawn.
Mix 1 tablespoon of any oxygen-brightening laundry powder, including Oxi-Clean, for every cup of water. Then, add it to a spray bottle to spritz the affected areas of your patio.
Let the solution sink in for a few minutes before using a scrub brush to scour the area. Once your patio is spotless, rinse the entire area with clean water and leave it to dry.