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This Heat-Tolerant Plant Is The Perfect Ground Cover Alternative
If you've been striving for a lush lawn, Kurapia has the characteristics you've been seeking. This novel ground cover plant thrives in places that are hot and have limited rain.
Originally from Japan, Kurapia is ideal for warmer climates, preferring zones 7b and higher. It will go dormant in cooler zones where temperatures dip below 38 degrees Fahrenheit.
While it's more expensive when compared to other grasses, Kurapia is a low-maintenance option that can quickly establish deep roots in a mere two to three months.
Kurapia keeps itself quite short and doesn't need to be mowed often, if at all. Mow it down to 2 to 3 inches to prevent it from flowering or allow it to reach its full height.
It requires light watering at least once weekly after the ground cover is established, as its deep roots can provide the grass with water and nutrients for long periods of time.
Another perk is that it helps prevent erosion through its running root system that can quickly cover hills and uneven ground. Its density can keep weed growth at bay.
It prefers sandy loam soils that are not overly compacted. Aerating at least the top four inches of compacted soil will give the Kurapia a chance to take root and spread.
Try not to mix conventional grasses with Kurapia, as it can choke them out if it takes off. For best results, plant it between March and September and keep the soil moist.