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This Dollar Tree Pitcher Is A Must-Have For A Full Garden Harvest
Adding compost nourishes the soil and boosts plant growth. You can make your own by using kitchen scraps and Dollar Tree plastic pitchers like YouTuber @RobbieAndGary
This hack is perfect if you have no space for a compost heap. Simply drill drainage holes all over the pitcher and lid, or use a soldering iron to melt holes into the plastic.
Then, bury the pitchers about halfway into the soil around your garden and in your planters. Jumpstart the composting process by adding a handful of garden soil into the pitchers.
Now, you can add compostable material, like kitchen scraps and grass clippings or leaves, through the easy-to-open lid. Chop the scraps into small pieces so they break down faster.
Add water periodically to keep the organic matter inside moist. As it breaks down, the nutritious leachate or compost tea will drain through the holes into the surrounding soil.
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