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Think Twice Before Killing These Common Insects
Stink Bugs
Although most stink bugs are non-venomous and do not sting, bite, or spread diseases, they release a foul-smelling chemical when threatened or crushed.
Some species eat armyworms, beetles, and other damaging insects, while another type eats crops. They appear in spring or summer, so bug-proof your windows to keep them out.
You can also catch them with a plastic baggie and release them in your garden, and there are natural ingredients, like neem oil, that you can spray on your plants to repel them.
House centipedes are scary-looking, yet they don't eat food you leave out or your garden crops. Instead, they will hunt small pests like ants, termites, and some spiders.
They don't bite, create nests, destroy fabric, or cause any structural damage to your home. They only come into your house for warmth and to lay eggs in the spring or autumn.
Centipedes prefer damp areas like crawl spaces, basements, and bathrooms, so seal any crevices in your basement walls and install a screen in floor drains to stop them coming in.
Also called ladybirds, they eat 50 or more aphids daily and feed on other crop-damaging pests like mites, mealy bugs, and scales that destroy your house and garden plants.
Consider providing them shelter in winter and using them to control pests in warmer months. Aside from the occasional smell, there aren't many downsides to coexisting with them.
If you don’t want them in your house, gently capture them in a jar, or suck them up with a bug vacuum if you have an infestation, and set them free in your garden.
Honey Bees
Honey bees are vital for pollinating plants, so killing them will lead to the plants they pollinate dying, eliminating food sources and habitats for millions of species.
Such damage to the ecosystem creates a domino effect that can eventually destroy the planet. Currently, bee populations are decreasing rapidly, so protect them whenever possible.
Honey bees usually sting only when feeling threatened. If they’re in the house, suck them up with a bug vacuum and release them outdoors; get a beekeeper to relocate a hive.
Praying Mantis
Praying mantises are beneficial to your garden because they're formidable ambush predators that eat mostly insects and help keep pest populations down.
If you find one in your house, gently place a cup over it and slide a piece of paper underneath the cup, trapping it inside. Then, release it in a sheltered place, like on a bush.