The Pool Noodle DIY That Sets Your Light Fixtures Apart From The Rest
Buying stylish light fixtures can be expensive, but TikTok user @miguelitosdiy created an affordable light feature using pool noodles, a cardboard tube, and two wooden skewers.
Cut a 12-inch cardboard tube to the desired height, then cut the pool noodles to the same measurement. Glue each piece vertically around the outside of the tube.
Add holes inside to insert your skewers, then paint the entire light fixture. Attach a hanging light cord and bulb between the skewers and suspend the light from the ceiling.
You can purchase the pool noodles at Dollar Tree for $1.25 and the cardboard tube at The Home Depot for $15.48, but you can make multiple light fixtures with it.
Amazon has a four-pack of hanging light cords for $16.88 in black or white, plus you'll need to purchase light bulbs, a strong adhesive, and the paint.