The Perennial Ground Cover You'll Want To Plant For All Of Its Benefits
Frogfruit is a drought-resistant perennial that thrives in USDA hardiness zones 6 through 11. It creates a lush, year-round green carpet that attracts butterflies and bees.
Its foliage forms a dense, 6-inch high mat that can sprawl up to 4 feet wide, and its white-pinkish flowers add a splash of color and biodiversity to your yard from May to October.
Frogfruit can blend with your lawn or step up as a grass replacement. It thrives in diverses environments, acts as a natural weed suppressor, and keeps soil intact on slopes.
Once established, frogfruit requires occasional watering. Fertilization and mowing are optional; a gentle trim from the latter after its flowering can maintain a neat appearance.
Its pinkish flowers on a dark purple cone invite pollinators to your yard and are also a big hit with predatory insects like wasps, which feast on lawn pests such as clinch bugs.
Plant seeds in spring or summer in a bed of fertile soil, then transplant the seedlings to your lawn, spacing them 3 feet apart. Frogfruit thrives in full sun or partial shade.