The Best Method For Dividing Astilbes In Your Garden
Astilbes are beautiful with their delicate fern-like foliage and fluffy colorful flowers, but they need to be divided in the fall or early spring to promote vigorous blooms.
This plant likes moist soil but is susceptible to mildew if the flower spikes become overcrowded. Dividing keeps them neat and helps prevent mildew and fungus.
Divide them during fall or early spring — wait until the plant has stopped flowering, usually in late summer before the nights get too cold when they’re at risk of frost damage.
To divide astilbes, dig up the whole plant and divide it into sections to be replanted. This way, it’s easier to separate the clump that is visible from the roots sticking up.
Before digging it up, water it lightly to soften up the roots and then dig around the plant to loosen it before lifting it out. Divide the plant using a shovel or garden knife.
Each section should be about 6 inches wide on each side (12 for a large plant) so it produces some flowers. The hole must have enough room for the section and some fresh soil.
Now, add compost, coffee grounds, or peat moss for extra nutrients and drainage. Pat some soil on top, water it lightly, keep it moist for a week, and enjoy your new astilbes.