Smoke alerts bees that their habitat is burning, so they gather as much honey as possible before migrating to a new area. Use a beekeeper's smoker to create this effect.
You can also build a small, safe bonfire to produce smoke with dead leaves, cardboard, newspaper, or twigs as fuel. Smoke the hive after dark when bees are settled inside.
Add a few drops of citronella to water and spray any areas you wish to rid of bees. It is non-toxic to humans, and it should have no ill effects on the surrounding environment.
A bee trap lures unsuspecting insects with a sweet nectar-like solution. The bees are drawn into the vessel, but the bottleneck shape prevents them from escaping.
If you have an indoor infestation or wish to avoid disrupting the affected area, make a DIY bee trap. The bees can be left to perish in the trap, or released to another area.
Ultrasonic pest repellers emit sound waves that repel pests. Bees “hear” with their antennae and the subgenual organs in their legs that detect sound wave vibrations.