Stirring blue paint with stir stick
Home - Garden
Simple & Creative Ways To Repurpose
A Paint Stirrer Around The House
Vintage Tool Box
Glue stirrers along the sides to form a flat bottom and add four stirrers around the perimeter to form a box. Make a handle with two short stirrers and a long one.
Join several sticks with glue to form the tray’s flat surface and glue two sticks at each end to hold them together. Add handles made from popsicle sticks and wooden cubes.
Word Art
Make a horizontal or vertical sign by gluing stirrers together, secured by a brace at each end. Add a message using vinyl lettering and staple on a jute handle to hang it.
Desk Organizer
Glue stirrers together to create a base and two panels. Glue the panels vertically onto the base, then add shorter sticks on the ends and a single strip in the front.
Key Rack
Lay some stirrers about a ½ inch apart and glue two stirrers on the back to secure them. Glue a stirrer in front with cup hooks to hold keys, and add a framed chalkboard.