Produce More Peppers With The Help Of This Flowering Garden Beauty
Zinnias have long been a garden staple, as they attract lots of butterflies and pollinators, and they also offer the added benefit of helping to pollinate your peppers.
These nectar-filled flowers attract many beneficial pollinators, inevitably leading to more peppers. Strategically planting your zinnias can help maximize your garden's potential.
Zinnias make an excellent companion plant with peppers because they do not compete for nutrients and attract all sorts of beneficial insects like butterflies
Interplant your zinnias with your pepper plants and around the perimeter of your garden. This will add a beautiful element to your garden beds and multiply your pepper yields.
One of the coolest things about zinnias is that you can harvest zinnia seeds for an endless supply of flowers. Another benefit is that they make exquisite cut flowers for bouquets.