Japanese beetles on a bitten leaf
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Plants To Avoid To Protect Your Garden From Japanese Beetles
The Japanese beetle is an invasive insect that poses a significant threat to gardens. Avoiding planting certain susceptible species can help defend against their damaging behavior.
These pests feed on leaves, flowers, and fruits, consuming plants’ soft tissues and keeping them from photosynthesizing. Their feeding also attracts other pests and diseases.
Japanese beetles are attracted to the compounds eugenol and geraniol, which are in some fragrant flowers like roses. The beetles devour the petals and skeletonize the leaves.
The beetles are also drawn to grapes since they have visual appeal with their lush foliage and clusters of sweet fruit. Thin-skinned grapes are particularly susceptible.
Finally, Japanese beetles are known to prey on certain tree species, including linden trees for their soft, heart-shaped leaves and fragrant blossoms.
To avoid an infestation, opt for plants that are less compelling to Japanese beetles, or interplant susceptible species with repellent plants like garlic, chives, and catnip.