Single yellow detergent chlorine bottle with red screw cap against a pale blue bakcground.
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Mistakes Everyone Makes When Cleaning
With Bleach
Bleach works by changing the protein in microorganisms and killing them, which is why it’s an effective cleaner for bacteria, fungus, and viruses — but it’s also dangerous. The most important rule is to never mix it with other household cleaners that contain ammonia, as bleach mixed with ammonia creates a toxic gas that you should never breathe in.
Wearing gloves and eye protection when handling this chemical is also necessary, as it can burn the skin, and you should always dilute the bleach before using it. However, a common mistake is preparing diluted bleach to use at a later date, since diluted bleach becomes less effective at killing bacteria after 24 hours.
Bleach should never be used on a porous surface, like a wooden cutting board, and should be well-diluted — there is a different ratio to follow for different surfaces. However, make sure to always use regular household bleach — as it is 5% to 9% concentrated sodium hypochlorite — and wash the surface with soap and water and rinse it with clean water, as a first step.
For a surface that comes into contact with food, the mix should be a ratio of 1 tablespoon of bleach per 1 gallon of clean water. You can wipe down floors, counters, sinks, and plastic toys with a solution of 1 cup of bleach and 5 gallons of water, leave them for 10 minutes, and then air dry.