Make Your Own Simple Bubbler And Watch Birds Flock To Your Yard
To create a bubbling bird bath for the birds in your backyard, the only materials you need are a wide and shallow pan, several large rocks, and a small submersible water pump.
This way, you can create a bird bath that mimics what birds really enjoy — a shallow puddle or gentle stream. Many commercial bird baths are large, deep, and hard to perch on.
Select a shallow pan that can easily be elevated off the ground by using something simple, like a plant stand. Attach a small submersible pump to the bottom of the pan.
Your pump will either have suction cups attached so it can be stationed underneath the pan, or there’ll be a power cord so it can run continuously when once it’s plugged in.
Set the pump to a low level so that the water gently bubbles, and fill the pan with several large flat rocks. This will give the birds plenty of room to stand and rest comfortably.