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Keep Your Plants Safe From Frost Damage With This Easy Water Trick
A light frost of around 32 degrees Fahrenheit, or a hard freeze, where the temperatures dip below 28 degrees Fahrenheit, can damage your plants, causing them to rupture.
Ensuring your plants’ safety from frost involves checking the weather forecast and proactive planning. One effective measure is watering them the day before.
This will help insulate the plant and root structure and lessen the likelihood of a cold injury. Before you begin, make sure the temperature outside is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
Water the morning before a frost instead of the afternoon or evening to allow the water to properly settle in the soil. Be mindful to only water the ground and not the leaves.
Once done, cover your plants using a blanket followed by a plastic sheet on top. Anchoring down the coverings will retain heat and keep the plants warm during the cold spell.
If you didn’t water your plants before and the overnight frost sets in, water them the following afternoon or evening to help thaw the soil and give your plants time to warm up.