Elderly man in the doorway of an open sliding glass door
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Keep Sliding Doors Locked Without A Stick The Way TikTok Showed Us
If the cheap lock on your sliding glass door breaks, TikTok user @justcoolproductz recommends using the Burglabar instead of going for the cheap and impractical stick solution.
Made of transparent plastic that adheres to the glass door, Burglabar has a hinge design that toggles between blocking and opening the slider. A four-pack is around $20 on Amazon.
Its peel-and-stick base adheres the hardware to the glass door near the frame. The hinge mechanism folds upward and sticks in place at a 90-degree angle to keep the door locked.
When you want to open the door, move the hinge downward and flat to the glass. For this product, you have to use two pieces of hardware on each glass sliding door.
It's also important to note that you cannot remove and reinstall the peel-and-stick base. Once it's loose or you need to remove it, you’ll have to replace it with a new piece.
In order to ensure that the bond is tight, avoid using the Burglabar to block the slider for 72 hours after you adhere it.