Increase Tomato Production With A Colorful Garden Favorite Flower
Many homeowners foray into the world of gardening by growing tomatoes. If they want to increase their harvest of these red gems, they should add a rainbow of color through zinnias.
Zinnias have saucer-shaped blooms and come in many different colors. Most varieties stay within 4 feet of height, supporting coarse, hairless, linear green foliage.
There are many reasons why zinnias complement tomatoes: They attract pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and songbirds; take care of pests; and are easy to grow and maintain.
For the best results, plant taller varieties of zinnias with broader, flat-surfaced blooms, as they offer sufficient perch room. Most butterfly species prefer Lilliput varieties.
Tomatoes and zinnias have similar care requirements, so it’s easy to care for both plants at once. Also, rabbits and deer dislike zinnias, keeping them away from your tomatoes.