A snake coiled up in the yard
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How To Use Epsom Salt To Get Rid Of Snakes In
The Yard
Snakes are a common problem in many yards and can be a concern especially for homes with young children. Luckily, you can deter snakes naturally and effectively using Epsom salt.
Due to their highly attuned sense of smell, snakes are repelled by Epsom salt's pungent scent. First, you must identify the areas where snakes are most likely to enter your yard.
Sprinkle Epsom salt liberally around these entryways, as well as around the entire perimeter of your yard, including around plants, bushes, and trees. Seal any holes in your home.
Apply the salt in a uniform layer and cover all of the areas evenly. Repeat the process every few weeks — or after it rains — to maintain the potency of the Epsom salt.
Be aware that certain people can acquire contact dermatitis or a rash from the salt, so wear long sleeves and gloves. It can also harm your pets, so keep it out of their reach.