Cut only a third of the grass blade height when you mow. The ideal height should fall around 3 to 4 inches for cool season grass and 2 to 2½ inches for warm season grass.
These heights are good base markers because dense, tall blades will keep your dog’s urine on the surface rather than letting it permeate down toward the roots of the grass.
Creating a designated play area for your pups lets the rest of your lawn stay nice. Fence off part of the lawn and replace it with synthetic material for easy cleanup.
Dousing the lawn with a ton of water will help flush out dog urine in a pinch. Don't wait until you see yellow patches of dying grass — do it right after your dog goes.
The compromise is switching to all-natural, dog-friendly, and organic fertilizers to keep your grass green. These are safe for pets and children if you follow label instructions.