By deadheading, or cutting the blossoms at the base of the stem as they wilt or fade, a peony can maintain its health, beauty, and bloom throughout the whole growing season.
For best results, make a habit of deadheading your peonies throughout the entirety of their blooming season, which in most cases takes place from April to June.
Typically, you should deadhead peony flowers with soggy, brown petals, dried brown-colored petals, sagging, droopy flower heads, or the ones dropping a lot of petals.
Before snipping off any spent blooms of your peony plant, clean the pruning shears you're using to prevent potentially spreading diseases from a previously cut plant.
You can also pluck off any wilted, browning, or dead leaves to improve the airflow within the plant system. This helps air, sunlight, and water to better reach the plant's base.
Snip any budless stem segments, too, as it helps a peony look better and healthier. It also encourages a peony to spend energy on new blooms rather than growing long, barren stems.
Finally, clean up leftover plant matter, as any part of a diseased peony left behind can attract insects and other pests and spread diseases to other plants.