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Grab These Kitchen Ingredients To Naturally Banish Roaches
Instead of using chemicals to eliminate cockroaches, use the combined power of baking soda and onion to eliminate pesky pests efficiently and inexpensively.
Baking soda, when ingested, interacts with fluids in the roach's body, creating a reaction that produces gas and heat that expands within its exoskeleton.
A roach's exoskeleton won't necessarily crack due to this, but the pest will become immobilized and eventually die due to starvation or predation.
However, the roaches won't voluntarily eat baking soda, so you'll have to lace it with the aroma of onions to lure the pests to consume the deadly bait.
Peel some onions and grate or cut them into small pieces. Sprinkle some baking soda and mix evenly in a bowl with a spoon while wearing disposable gloves for safety.
Place the concoction into shallow containers or lids and place them in strategic spots where the roaches frequent. Monitor and replace the mixture regularly for maximum efficacy.