Get A Handle On Goosegrass With These Helpful Lawn Care Tips
Spot goosegrass by its flat, dark-green leaves and silverish stems. It thrives in compact soils, especially in high-traffic areas, signaling potential issues in your lawn's health.
Adjusting mower height to shade the soil inhibits goosegrass growth. You can address soil compaction with aeration, and reroute foot traffic to thwart goosegrass in its tracks.
Help your lawn to resist goosegrass by feeding it the nutrients it needs. Tailor fertilization to your grass type, and don’t overwater, as wet conditions encourage goosegrass.
Chemical defense against goosegrass involves pre-emergence herbicides that prevent seed germination instead of killing existing plants. Apply it in late winter for best results.
Select herbicides carefully, considering your grass type to avoid unintended harm. Combining cultural and chemical tactics fortifies your lawn against further goosegrass invasions.