A jack-o'-lantern sitting on a porch
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Emily Henderson’s Best Tips For Festive Halloween Decor
Interior designer, blogger, and TV host Emily Henderson has countless tips on her blog for Halloween decorating that are extremely affordable and customizable.
For her living room, Henderson likes to add a variety of black accent pieces, like throw pillows and candles. She darkens the aesthetic for a dim and shadowy vibe.
Henderson avoids using the bright orange, purple, and green that are commonly used in Halloween decor. She mentions that the neutral color scheme helps avoid holiday fatigue.
Among her best advice is to avoid overwhelming your space, up until the actual holiday, and make strategic adjustments to your living room’s aesthetic to ease into autumn.
Keeping your decor choices simple can also save you money and the hassle of maintaining complicated decorations. Just a few cohesive pieces can make a big statement.
Nearly all of Henderson’s other Halloween decorations were DIYs or simple-to-set-up options like fabric webs and household items covered with black spray paint.
To borrow this decorating style, simply find one motif (i.e. spiders or witches) and apply it to your room or home. Once you have a color scheme, the rest falls into place.