Elevate Your Backyard Garden With DIY Leaf Stepping Stones
Store-bought paving stones can be expensive, so instead create your own easy and affordable DIY leaf stepping stones to give your garden a unique and whimsical fairy pathway.
You’ll need some large, thickly veined leaves, such as those from a rhubarb, rubber tree, pumpkin plant, monstera cutting, or hosta. You’ll also need containers suitable for molds.
To make your pavers, you’ll need some Quikrete, a fast-setting concrete that you simply mix with water. It costs under $10 for a 50-pound bag, which will make four to five pavers.
Mix the Quikrete as per the instructions, lay the leaves on a flat surface with the veiny side up, use a spatula to apply globs of Quikrete all over them, and press it down gently.
Alternatively, lay the leaves in your molds and cover them with Quikrete. Let the concrete cure for a few days, then remove the leaves and embed the stepping stones in your garden.