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DIY A Unique Textured Accent Wall With This Pool Noodle Hack
An accent wall
Creating a unique textured accent wall is within reach with a clever DIY method that involves using a pool noodle as a paint roller, as demonstrated by YouTuber Interior_Works.
A person cutting a pool noodle
To embark on this hack, first cut a pool noodle to fit a standard paint roller frame. Next, draw an abstract pattern of various blob-like shapes all over the noodle using a marker.
A pool noodle attached to a paint roller
Then, carefully carve out each shape with an X-Acto knife. This step transforms the pool noodle into a one-of-a-kind textured design tool, ready to be used as a
paint roller.
A person carving a pool noodle
If you lean toward more familiar designs, you have the option to carve out shapes like hearts, stars, polka dots, or even animal prints and personalize your space to your taste.
A woman holding bubble wrap
For a more uniform textured effect with minimal effort, consider wrapping the pool noodle in bubble wrap. This approach is perfect for those uncomfortable using an
X-Acto knife.
A family painting a wall with rollers
It's recommended to test this technique on a less permanent surface before fully committing to your walls, particularly if this is your first foray into such a DIY project.