Hand holding moss in yard
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The Best Alternatives
To Traditional Grass In A Shady Lawn
Person pointing at moss in grass
This lush alternative loves dense shade and damp, humid conditions. While it doesn’t require mowing, you must clear leaves and debris off it and water it during dry periods.
Field of sweet woodruff with white flowers
Sweet Woodruff
Low-maintenance, this ground cover features lovely star-shaped blossoms that do not require pruning and favors cooler environments with well-draining, moist soil.
English ivy creeping over fence
English Ivy
While this plant will quickly turn your patchy lawn into a brilliant sea of green, you’ll have to prune it frequently to stop it from overtaking your shrubs and flowers.
English ivy growing over rocks
English ivy prefers partial sunlight; moist, well-draining soil; and a balanced fertilizer in the springtime to encourage growth. It is drought-tolerant once
it’s established.
Mini hostas on display in pots
Mini Hostas
Known for having lush, small foliage that groups together, mini hostas create an eye-catching, no-mow lawn that thrives in rich, damp soil featuring organic compost.
Hostas spread out in yard
Their foliage can be easily damaged, so plant them in low-traffic areas without full sun. You’ll also have to take measures to deter deer
and slugs, which love to feast on them.
Lawn with thick fern growth
Hardy Ferns
These resilient plants are available in various heights and unique leaf types. They thrive in partially or fully shaded, moist, cool growing zones with low foot traffic.