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Common Mulching Mistakes You're Making In Your Garden
Wrong Time
Soil needs to warm up as nature intended before we interfere with anything, and applying mulch while it's still chilly outside will harm new plant growth. The middle of spring to late spring is the ideal time for your first layer of mulch, and you can add another thin layer of mulch as summer temperatures soar.
Too Much
It's easy to go overboard with mulch, but spreading too much can cause suffocation and rot of your plant’s roots. That too-thick layer of mulch also creates a desirable environment for voles, who will eat the roots of your plants.
Wrong Type
Deciding on the best mulch for your garden comes down to what you want your garden to look like, how much you want to spend, and the durability and nutrient content. If you have little time to tend to the garden, avoid organic mulches, as they need attention, but inorganic ones may not be good for gardens with nutrient-deficient soil.
Mulch retains moisture to help prevent drought in your garden, but it can also lead to your plants getting overwatered. If you continue to irrigate saturated roots, you risk overwatering your plants and causing irreversible damage, so avoid overwatering your mulch.
Wrong Plants
Mulch cracks down on the seeds of self-seeding flowers just as much as any weed, so it’s not recommended to plant self-seeders in it. Rather, try collecting fallen leaves or pine needles to create a thin layer of organic mulch that will aid in weed suppression while allowing seedlings to grow.