Clever Ways To Transform Stuffed Animal Clutter Into Cute Kid Decor
Baskets are a popular, inexpensive choice for stuffed animal storage. You can find a container to match any aesthetic, and the toys will be easily accessible for your kids.
You could also install trendy hammocks to add coziness and order to small spaces. Simply hang your hammock, stuff it with toys, and clear up some room on your floor.
Whether you're housing toys or blankets, classic trunks offer a multipurpose solution: They can store teddy bears and other items, as well as double as a bench or table.
If the amount of stuffed toys in your home rivals a zoo, then bookcases are the ideal storage option. For extra decorative appeal, add tiny furniture, pictures, and books.
If your children don’t use their toys as often as they used to, hang stylish floating shelves. If those plushies need to be easily accessible, you can hang the shelf lower.