Clever Ways To Repurpose Used Coffee Pods In Your Home & Garden
Using coffee grounds can keep slugs and snails out of your garden. Experts say it’s best to apply a light layer or add the grounds to the perimeter of your plants or garden.
Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients for plants. Coffee grounds are rich in this nutrient, so add them to your compost, but only a 20% volume should be used.
K-Cups are the perfect size for seed starters and already have a drainage hole at the bottom from the Keurig. Label them with a Sharpie to identify your seedlings.
To make a string of lights for your patio or holiday décor, paint some used K-Cups with different colors or designs, and pop their bottoms over some Christmas lights.
To organize your desk when you have many small items like tacks, staples, paper clips, and more, use K-Cups to store these items neatly in your desk drawers.