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Avoid Making These Common Mistakes When Growing Ground Covers
By Megan Brame
Weather Compatible
The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map was created to ensure super-sensitive plants don't succumb to a slight change in weather that's too drastic for them to handle.
Soil Testing
Many universities have biology or agricultural departments that offer free or low-cost soil testing and will give you a kit with all the tools you need.
Invasive Plants
It's okay to plant aggressive growers; just be aware of what you're getting yourself into and have a plan for how you'll keep it controlled.
Unfavorable Location
Adjust your plant selections based on how many hours of direct sun so it's not scorched by too much sun or wilts in too much shade.
Compacted Soil
If you've dug into the dirt and felt like it was fighting back, it's most likely compacted. Planting in it will destroy your plants, tools, budget, and sanity.