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5 Life-Altering Ways To Clean Under Your Bed
Robot Vacuum
The sticker shock of robot vacuums can be alarming, but they are definitely good investments. If you plan on buying one, make sure your robot has enough head clearance to get under your bed, couch, and other low-to-the-ground furniture, and spend $120 at a minimum.
Long-Handled Duster
If you have a hard floor, working from top to bottom on both sides of the bed with your long-handled duster should help eliminate dust clusters from hard-to-reach spaces. You can also add a rag to the end of the pole to work at sticky spots under your bed.
Hairdryer Or Fan
You can use a hairdryer or a fan to push dust bunnies, hair, or even misplaced jewelry out from under the bed. Once you've gotten the debris dislodged from under the bed, simply sweep or vacuum it up and discard it in the trashcan.
For carpets and rugs, wrap your broom handle in tape so you'll have the stickiness of a lint roller and the reach of an extendable duster. Stick the broom handle under the bed and roll it — change the tape out when you don't feel any more "stick" from it and roll again.
Vacuum Attachments
Vacuums with hoses come with an upholstery and horsehair nozzle attachment, which you can use to clean your carpet/rug and hard floorings respectively. You can also just lay your vacuum flat and push it under the bed.