14 Inexpensive Ways To Create A Relaxing Hideaway Spot In Your Garden
Browse through these 14 ideas and find the perfect solution for creating a relaxing hideaway in the garden without spending too much money.
Read MoreBrowse through these 14 ideas and find the perfect solution for creating a relaxing hideaway in the garden without spending too much money.
Read MoreThis DIY project reuses cardboard boxes to create custom cement planter pots. In just a few steps, you can have stunning planters for your home.
Read MoreSome plants need a little (or a lot) more TLC than others. If you're looking for a low-maintenance houseplant, steer clear of this particular species.
Read MoreWindow planters can add a lovely splash of color to your home's exterior, but they also present unique challenges when it comes to choosing plants.
Read MoreSeed starting pots are typically pretty affordable, but why spend money on something you can easily make for free? Grab some cardboard and start DIYing.
Read MoreDuring the winter months, bird baths can provide a much-needed resource. Keeping them functional in freezing weather, however, requires some additional work.
Read MoreKeeping deer out of your yard can be a difficult task, though a good fence can help. However, some deer fence materials are better than others.
Read MoreWhen you've always known deciduous trees to drop their leaves in winter, seeing one that hasn't can be unsettling. Here's why trees may hold onto their leaves.
Read MoreInstead of throwing away those plastic bags from the grocery store, discover how to turn them into both decorative and useful items for your home.
Read MorePruning roses isn't particularly difficult, but if you do it at the wrong time of year, you can cause minor or even major problems for your plant.
Read MorePansies and violas are similar, but each has slightly different features, making them perfect companions for your landscape or in spring planters.
Read MoreShredded paper is one of the many materials people opt to use as garden mulch, but is it a good idea? Here are the pros and cons you should know about.
Read MoreMany gardeners get itchy while waiting for planting season to roll around, so if you're looking to get a jumpstart, here's how you can get your planters ready.
Read MoreDiscover the beauty of the tree that efficiently absorbs excess water in your yard. Learn how to enhance your landscape while managing drainage issues.
Read MoreAll trees need sunlight to grow, but lucky for home dwellers, some trees do well in low-lighting conditions, making them perfect for growing indoors.
Read MoreThe Arbutus tree has so many wonderful attributes; it's no surprise this fruiting evergreen is gaining popularity amongst home growers in warm climates.
Read MoreWinter sowing is a great way to start seeds that require cold stratification in a more controlled environment, but these mistakes may keep seeds from sprouting.
Read MoreExplore potential downsides of a French drain to manage standing water. Learn about installation challenges and maintenance issues before making a decision .
Read MoreWood stain and sealers can save you a lot of time when it comes to protecting your wood fence, but they might not save you money right away.
Read MoreHouseplants add interest and nature to any space, but for fans of maximalist design, here are some options to add extra drama and greenery to your space.
Read MoreThere are many flowers you can start indoors in February to transplant in the spring. Here's a beautiful, edible bloom you'll want to add to your garden.
Read MoreIf you're just starting to embrace a love of gardening, you may be tempted to buy Costco's bonsai trees. But are they worth it for beginners?
Read MoreNut trees make great additions to your yard - and your kitchen - but which are worth growing, and which should you avoid? Let's weigh the pros and cons.
Read MoreStruggling to keep pesky animals and pests away from your garden beds? Here are 9 fencing ideas that will keep wildlife away from your plants.
Read MorePothos plants are known to be low-maintenance and will grow in most indoor conditions. To keep yours healthy, be sure to avoid these watering mistakes.
Read MoreNo-dig fencing seems like a budget-friendly solution at a glance, but its configuration comes with several important drawbacks. Find out what they are.
Read MoreLandscaping pavers and gravel can only take you so far; you'll need a bit of gardening know-how to choose the best evergreen ground cover for your yard.
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