Why Cutting Corners On A Paver Border Will Cost You In The Long Run
The border and edging of a paver patio are crucial parts of the design. You don't want to skip them just to save time and money on the initial construction.
Read MoreThe border and edging of a paver patio are crucial parts of the design. You don't want to skip them just to save time and money on the initial construction.
Read MoreExplore varieties of brunnera that thrive in shade gardens. Discover their unique foliage, perfect for adding beauty and texture to your shady outdoor spaces.
Read MoreWhen trying to attract birds to your garden, you might be tempted to consider the colors of your flowers and decor. But do birds really care about color?
Read MoreHave you found aphids in your greenhouse? Don't panic. Overreacting, using harsh control methods, and inadvertently inviting the pests are mistakes to avoid.
Read MoreDon't take the beautiful, aged trees in your yard for granted. Check-in on them often, especially in winter, to identify signs of root damage from frozen soil.
Read MoreIf you're planning a new patio, be sure to consider how your choice of material will affect maintenance. To keep weeds at bay, don't use these patio options.
Read MoreDid you know that the way weeds spread isn't your only woe? Some species can also attract pests to your yard. Discover which weeds are secret bug magnets here.
Read MoreMost people don't think twice about throwing out their old gutters. But what if we told you that you could repurpose them into custom window box planters?
Read MoreMarigolds are beautiful and beneficial additions to your fruit and vegetable garden, but there's one mistake that can cause more harm than good.
Read MoreYarrow is a delightful, vibrant perennial that's relatively easy to grow in containers, as long as you avoid these common mistakes.
Read MoreIf you're looking for a privacy solution that also adds natural beauty to your yard, look no further than this low-maintenance evergreen shrub.
Read MoreExplore creative hacks for hiding an unsightly water meter in your yard. From decorative plant ideas to stylish enclosures, discover practical solutions.
Read MoreIf you've waited all year for your Christmas cactus to develop cascading blooms only to be disappointed by a dismal display, the right fertilizer might help.
Read MoreThis aromatic plant can be a wonderful addition to your outside space, but it's important to understand the risks before growing it in your herb garden.
Read MoreSlugs can make quick work of your garden plants unless you're using proven strategies to combat them. Here are ways to get rid of slugs and mistakes to avoid.
Read MoreCitrus trees often bear more fruit than they can support. Forgetting to thin the fruit in time can compromise the tree's health and your harvest.
Read MoreBlue star is a perennial that can fill your landscape with sweet blue blossoms for many years. Here's everything you need to know about growing them from seed.
Read MoreCompanion planting helps save space and allows plants to enter mutually beneficial relationships. Pair these herbs together for the best results.
Read MoreLearn how to determine the right time to repot your hoya plant and discover common mistakes to avoid. Ensure your hoya thrives all year round with these tips.
Read MoreEven if you don't have much outdoor space, you can still take advantage of the benefits of composting kitchen scraps with the art of bokashi composting.
Read MoreSome people believe that using sugar water will help plants grow. We consulted an expert and learned what the science says about this method.
Read MoreLavender is a beautiful plant on its own, but every type of greenery benefits from the right neighbors. This ornamental grass is the perfect companion.
Read MoreBuilding a stackable retaining wall may seem like a project for a professional, but it's actually something you can do yourself. Here's how.
Read MoreWith many species available, crepe myrtles are a stunning addition to the landscape. But, you'll need to avoid the most common mistakes with these beauties.
Read MoreGophers terrorizing your garden? This hot-food hack might sound like an appealing natural method of pest control, but the dangers outweigh the benefits.
Read MoreAre nesting ground wasps interrupting the enjoyment of your garden? Avoid injury and expense by making sure you don't tackle the problem the wrong way.
Read MoreYou're probably familiar with cabbage, but it has a close relative that's easier to grow, matures more quickly, and has fewer pests problems.
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