5 Common Materials You Can Use For DIY Raised Garden Beds
A raised bed is a great way to grow your garden, whether you have mobility issues or soil quality concerns. Try these materials for your raised garden bed.
Read MoreA raised bed is a great way to grow your garden, whether you have mobility issues or soil quality concerns. Try these materials for your raised garden bed.
Read MoreAlluring, like sirens, some vicious weeds produce beautiful flowers in calming purple hues. Here are the problematic blossoms you must eradicate in your lawn.
Read MoreGround covers are already great plants to incorporate in your yard, but have you looked into those that bring color into the late season? Those are even better!
Read MoreBougainvillea is a stunning plant with a potentially painful hidden secret. Here's how to add beauty and protections from intruders to your yard.
Read MoreWhen winter starts to approach, it's important to know how to correctly overwinter your dahlias to maintain their health. To do so, avoid these common mistakes.
Read MoreJapanese Maple trees are loved for their gorgeous color-shifting leaves, creating a magical-looking fall landscape. Here's where to plant yours from an expert.
Read MoreWhen the temperature falls, our lawn care routines tend to become a bit lax. If you do anything before winter, cut your lawn to this height.
Read MoreIs it even possible to have too many plants that attract hummingbirds to your yard? We think not! If you live in a warm climate, here's another option.
Read MoreIf you have ever had goosegrass in your lawn, you know how hard it can be to get rid of. Avoid these common mistakes for the best chance of eliminating it.
Read MoreLearn how to identify the golden silk orb weaver spider in your yard. Discover key characteristics to recognize this fascinating arachnid in your outdoor space.
Read MoreInstead of throwing away the glass bottles that your olive oil comes in, discover some creative ways to repurpose these containers around your home and garden.
Read MoreBluebells have a distinct beauty that many gardeners love, but you'll need to make sure you don't plant an invasive variety. Here's how to tell the difference.
Read MoreAs the leaves fall from the tree, instead of raking, bagging, and disposing of them, why not keep them to use for your garden? Here's how to do it.
Read MoreMuscari, more commonly known as grape hyacinth may be invasive in some areas, but in others they make beautiful companions for common spring bulbs.
Read MoreYou may think that spring is the only time to plant seeds for gorgeous flowers, but some perennials need an extra step in the planting process.
Read MoreFertilizers can help you achieve your dreams of a thick, beautiful lawn, but it's important to choose the right kind, especially when overseeding.
Read MoreBerries aren't only tasty, many species are exceptionally easy to grow with very little maintenance required, but there are a few pros and cons.
Read MoreIf you want to grow a healthy, large crop of tomatoes, check out this TikTok experiment that tested which kitchen scraps serve as the best compost.
Read MoreDeadheading your dried hydrangea flowers at the end of the season can feel like a waste. Instead, save them for this stunning fall DIY that brings them indoors.
Read MoreIt can be hard to grow plants in shady conditions, such as beneath trees. However, this one sweet-sounding flowering ground cover will thrive in the shade.
Read MoreGuelder roses have bright red berries that will certainly attract birds to your yard, but this is one shrub that you'll want to avoid. Here's why.
Read MoreThanksgiving cactus is a pretty low-maintenance plant. In fact, it often does better with a bit of negligence, but there are some ways you can help it thrive.
Read MoreBamboo can make a great living fence for privacy from the neighbors, but be careful about which type of bamboo you plant in your yard. Here's why.
Read MoreRather than letting fall leaves break down on your porch or in your yard, saving them now can give you a beautiful spring garden. Here's how.
Read MoreIf you have wild rose bushes growing on your property, you may have noticed how invasive they are and how aggressively they spread. Here's how to control them.
Read MoreGreen beans are generally considered an outdoor crop, but there are some steps you can take to harvest and enjoy these tasty veggies a year-round.
Read MoreIf you're hoping to invite birds to your yard, these pink blooming trees may be the answer. Encourage avian visitors with these stunning, colorful blooms.
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