How To Choose The Best Garden Rocks
If you want to add rocks to your garden or have a rock garden even without plants, here are some tips on picking rocks and designing your garden.
Read MoreIf you want to add rocks to your garden or have a rock garden even without plants, here are some tips on picking rocks and designing your garden.
Read MoreSquirrels are intelligent creatures that are a delight to watch. With the right elements in place, they can call your garden home. Here's how to make it happen.
Read MoreWe want to help you attract and keep birds in your garden if you're interested. You'll need to ensure a few things, but it will all be worth it in the end.
Read MoreIf you are interested in building a backyard greenhouse, you have come to the right place. We created this short guide to help you navigate this project.
Read MoreCodiaeum variegatum, also known as croton plant, garden croton, and variegated croton, is native to the tropical regions of Asia and the western Pacific Ocean.
Read MoreHailing from the tropical regions of South America, Peace Lilies are among the most popular and low-maintenance houseplants you can add to your home.
Read MoreLearn how to grow and care for a raspberry plant, including specific care instructions, the different types of raspberry plants, and how to repot these plants.
Read MoreIf you want a flashy bush for your yard that will add a great pop of color, the firebush is a great options that can be trimmed to fit smaller spaces too.
Read MoreBrid lovers are always looking for new ways to bring their favorites to their own yards -- here are some tips for attracting Robins to your yard.
Read MoreThe pygmy date palm tree is one of the most popular landscape choices in many US states. Here's how to grow it for an added tropical feel to your yard.
Read MoreWhen it comes to simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and sheer fun, making a DIY bird feeder can be a rewarding experience. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Read MoreHops are neat looking and because of the way they grow they're excellent for planting to create privacy areas on your property. Here's how to do it.
Read MoreAlthough many methods of keeping animals out of the garden are cruel, you can still protect your plants (and your lawn) humanely. Here's what we recommend.
Read MoreIf you're thinking about starting a garden, you may be able to save yourself stress and money by buying your plants at Home Depot for their return guarantee.
Read MoreEver wondered what the difference between a four-leaf clover and a shamrock was? Well, there really isn't much of a difference as you'll soon learn.
Read MoreLearn how to grow and care for a blackberry plant, including care instructions, the different types of blackberry plants, and how to repot blackberries.
Read MoreTired of deer trampling your yard and damaging your flower beds and fruit trees? Here are some clever tips that will help keep deer out of your yard.
Read MorePlumbago (Plumbago auriculata) is a beautiful shrub full of bluish-violet flowers that is mostly seen in South Africa and in warm areas of the United States.
Read MoreThe semi-evergreen Hong Kong orchid tree is deemed one of the most beautiful plants worldwide. Here's how to grow and care for it, so it thrives in your garden.
Read MoreIt's always hard to part ways with a plant you've worked hard to grow, but sometimes it's necessary. Here's when you know it's time to get rid of your plants.
Read MoreBuying praying mantis egg sacks for your garden and lawn? Be sure that the ones you're buying aren't an insavise species of this normally helpful insect.
Read MoreMonarch butterflies are amazing, and many wish to attract them to their gardens but don't know how to. Here's what you need to do to draw them to your yard.
Read MoreA patio is a living space extension that everyone with a yard should build. Here are some benefits of having a patio and how much it could cost you to make one.
Read MoreTree removal can become necessary as a result of landscaping changes that you intend to make to the exterior of the home or as a safety precaution.
Read MoreScientifically known as iresine herbstii, this deep crimson shiny-leafed plant is native to Central and South America, where it is especially common in Brazil.
Read MoreHeliconia rostrata is a large flowering tropical plant with an unusual structure. Here's everything you need to know about it before planting one.
Read MoreYour deck can be the hub of various entertaining activities with loved ones during the summer, so here are a few inspiring ideas on how to light it up.
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