Why You Should Use Neem Oil On Your Indoor Houseplants
If you prefer to use organic products whenever you can and want to keep your pets, children, and plants safe, neem oil might be the perfect solution.
Read MoreIf you prefer to use organic products whenever you can and want to keep your pets, children, and plants safe, neem oil might be the perfect solution.
Read MoreEven experienced gardeners might be surprised to learn that some of the habits they've picked up over the years are doing more harm than good to their plants.
Read MoreHave you fallen under the spell of beautiful clover lawns? You're not alone. Before growing this crop in your yard, check out the pros and cons of clover.
Read MoreThere are many plants that can be useful to Aries in their day-to-day lives. However, here are the best five plants to grow in your garden if you're an Aries.
Read MoreMulch promotes healthy plant growth and adds nutrients by mimicking a forest floor. Here's the best way to best mulch your garden this fall.
Read MoreWith black plants, you can add gothic style to your home. Growing black plants is an extra moody, spooky touch for Halloween, or any other time of the year.
Read MoreSome plants grow better in more acid or alkaline conditions, but how do you know the pH of the soil? Here's what you need to measure it and how to do it.
Read MoreAs temperatures begin to cool, it may seem like your garden needs less watering. Here, though, is why you shouldn't stop watering your lawn.
Read MoreStrawflower, also known as everlastings, are vibrantly-colored, low-maintenance flowers that grow well nearly anywhere. Learn how to grow strawflowers at home.
Read MoreBefore winter beckons, it's important to set up your roses for the best chance at surviving those freezing temperatures. Here's what you need to know.
Read MoreThe appearance of a wasp's nest can put everyone on guard. They need to be dealt with, but did you know there's a correct way to time your assault?
Read MoreHeading back to school can be exciting and a little nerve-racking. Many of us are looking for ways to reduce that tension and we've got a great tip!
Read MoreDoes your fall border garden pale in comparison to the colorful explosion you experience all summer? Here are the flowers that will fix that for good!
Read MoreThe benefits of plants are numerous, but did you know they could help boost creativity? While there are many varieties to choose from, here are our 15 picks.
Read MoreMost fruit trees are easier to grow than you might think and do well inside your home. Here are our top 15 indoor fruit trees you can harvest all year round.
Read MorePink and green are two of Libra's power colors, but many species fit this description. So, here are the best plants to plant in your garden if you're a Libra.
Read MoreWe've all admired the lawn striping at sports events. If you want to recreate the look in your garden, here are the best tips for striping your lawn like a pro
Read MoreA backyard offers shade, hiding places, food, and water, making it appealing to snakes. Here's how to get rid of garter snakes without hurting them.
Read MoreHGTV star Joanna Gaines is a big fan of container gardens, and since she has an eye for décor, we thought to share some of her helpful tips.
Read MorePoison oak is the lesser-known relative of poison ivy -- but it packs the same punch when you come in contact with it. Here's how to get rid of poison oak.
Read MoreBefore you head out to the Home Depot to purchase a garden hose, you may want to know exactly what you're getting into. With so many choices, we have some help!
Read MoreChain-link fences are cost-effective and low maintenance, but they provide no privacy. Here are 3 affordable ways to over a chain-link fence for more privacy.
Read MoreBeyond landscaping your property with topsoil, you can also use it to improve your lawn and garden. Don't know how? We've got you covered with the best tips.
Read MoreFrom the flavor to the health benefits, nothing beats garlic. Here's how to become a garlic gardener and grow this incredible plant in your own backyard.
Read MorePlants thrive in different conditions, and only sun-loving ones can withstand prolonged sun exposure. So here are 15 plants perfect for a south-facing window.
Read MoreWhen it comes to having flower gardens in your yard, you may want to have things flowering throughout the year. Here are some great summer plants.
Read MoreFilling the bottom of your glass vases with these unique items will make your creativity come to life, boosting the aesthetic of your interiors.
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