Pesky Poisonous Caterpillars To Watch Out For In Your Garden
Caterpillars are usually welcome visitors in home gardens, but not all of them are friendly. Here are the caterpillars to keep away from at all costs.
Read MoreCaterpillars are usually welcome visitors in home gardens, but not all of them are friendly. Here are the caterpillars to keep away from at all costs.
Read MoreSnake plants are incredibly hearty, but even they're susceptible to root rot. Learn how to prevent root rot and care for your snake plant if its affected.
Read MoreJade plants are cute succulents that make great indoor cultivars, but sometimes their leaves develop powdery mildew. Here's how to get rid of this fungus.
Read MoreWhether you want to spruce up your front yard, backyard, or various exterior areas, be sure to read these savvy ways to incorporate art in your outside space.
Read MoreAloe vera is a low-maintenance and long-lasting plant, so it might be a bit shocking when you see black spots along its leaves. Here's how to get rid of them.
Read MoreMany plants thrive in humid climates, but the heater and winter air can drain the moisture from your space. Here's how to increase humidity for your plants.
Read MoreWhen it comes to the question of how to keep a Christmas tree healthy, there are all kinds of suggestions. We find out if sugar can help keep your tree alive.
Read MoreWhile there is no wrong way to decorate your Christmas tree, there are certain tips to turn it into something worthy of a seasonal Hallmark store display.
Read MoreMost people begin celebrating this time of year by putting up their Christmas trees. Here are the big mistakes you may be making with your fake tree.
Read MoreIf you have a gardener in your life, finding a tool they don't have is tricky -- but we've got you covered. Here are the best gifts for gardeners in 2022.
Read MoreHave you ever put up your Christmas tree and realized there are some gaps in the branches? This trick will make your Christmas tree look fuller.
Read MoreIt's always good to recycle your Christmas tree when the holidays are over, but what about making an eco-friendly tree? Here are 10 upcycled tree ideas.
Read MoreCertain varieties of cucumber are prone to a fungal disease known as powdery mildew. Here we explore what it is and how you can treat and prevent it.
Read MoreStarting a garden project in the dead of winter may sound tough, but microgreens are easy, even for the novice among us. Here's how to grow these seedlings.
Read MoreAn overcrowded pot is just one of many reasons you will want to repot most of your plants once every year. But there are more. Let's dive in!
Read MoreHouseplants add beauty and life to a room, and can even improve our mood and productivity. Learn about the best low-maintenance houseplants for a home office.
Read MoreIf you want to incorporate some autumnal design decor into your space, check out these rustic vases that are perfect for displaying fall flowers.
Read MoreDecorating your Christmas tree may be one of your favorite activities of the season, but how do you know if you're using too many or too few lights?
Read MoreCleaning experts know baking soda to be an excellent household cleaner. However, there are certain household items you should never clean with baking soda.
Read MoreNothing screams holiday cheer like a yard full of festive decorations. Here's how to make sure your holiday lawn inflatables stay fresh year after year.
Read MoreIf you can't seem to part with your autumnal blooms, keep reading to learn how to maintain your potted chrysanthemums throughout the winter.
Read MoreIf your indoor plant is growing taller than you want, air layering helps propagate and cut the top part without necessarily killing the entire plant.
Read MoreWhile you may not eliminate chiggers entirely, try the following expert solutions to help reduce their numbers significantly. Let's get started!
Read MoreDid you know that many different houseplants will find their happiest placement in your kitchen, so long as you have a window sill for them to sit on?
Read MoreIf you are an avid reader, you probably have a bookcase or two in your home. But how do you style your bookcase if your book collection is still growing?
Read MoreWhen it comes to trees and property lines, the law can be a little confusing. Learn about your rights and responsibilities regarding the trees in your yard.
Read MoreBasil is an incredibly easy herb to grow. However, downy mildew is one disease that you'll need to learn how to spot on the basil plants in your garden.
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