Is Ultrasonic Pest Control Safe For A Bird Watcher's Yard?
If you're an avid bird watcher, avoiding things that will drive birds away is a necessity. Here's what to know about ultrasonic pest control devices.
Read MoreIf you're an avid bird watcher, avoiding things that will drive birds away is a necessity. Here's what to know about ultrasonic pest control devices.
Read MorePest repellent is part of a thriving garden. Protect the plants in your home garden while you apply pest repellent using this very simple DIY hack.
Read MoreGrowing a tree isn't an easy task since there are several factors to consider. As you take care of your tree, keep your tree's drip line in mind.
Read MoreDoes your garden produce often get destroyed by insects? Discover a fast-growing flower that can naturally diminish the amount of pests on your plants.
Read MoreModern plant stands can be very pricey. DIY one that fits your needs with this TikTok woodworking project that repurposes more affordable wood scraps.
Read MoreDo you save your old glass jars from candles or food items? Discover 20 creative ways to repurpose these pieces around the home to save you money.
Read MoreEverybody loves a beautiful, lush lawn or garden, but what happens if you fertilize your lawn too early in the spring? Are there any downsides?
Read MoreYou may have heard of the no-dig potato planting method using straw or hay. If you want to know if this really works, we've got the answers you're looking for.
Read MoreGrowing seedlings at home can be a rewarding experience. Ensure that they'll grow strong and well-nourished with this cinnamon fertilizer hack from TikTok.
Read MoreThe holiday houseplant is relatively low maintenance, but there's one stubborn problem that, left untreated, can kill your beloved succulent.
Read MoreIf you're tired of high-maintenance, water-sucking lawns, you may be interested in planting a chamomile lawn. Here are its benefits and how to plant it.
Read MorePotatoes are a crop that take some time to grow. Utilizing this unexpected kitchen waste will ensure you get to harvest your potatoes on time.
Read MoreBulb mites are a common pest that can ruin your garlic harvest, but luckily there are some ways to get rid of such an infestation or avoid it entirely.
Read MorePeople often confuse azaleas for rhododendron and vice versa, but are they actually the same plant? We find out and share clues on how to tell them apart.
Read MoreBirdbaths cost a pretty penny, but DIYing one using repurposed materials is priceless. Learn how you can create a shimmering birdbath using old, broken CDs.
Read MoreTikTok says that growing an orange tree is as simple as burying a fruit in the ground and waiting patiently. In practice, it's slightly more complicated.
Read MoreIf you have a fear of spiders or don't like the idea of walking into sticky webs in your garden, you may be wary of planting this particular flower.
Read MoreDo you have large trees in your yard that have been damaged by wind or just need some extra support? Discover a genius technique that will help them stand tall.
Read MoreChain link fences aren't always the most beautiful addition to a garden. Luckily, you can use your fence as a base to grow a bountiful garden.
Read MoreSnow storms can bring plenty of headaches after their wake, but you can minimize their damage if you do this one thing in your yard prior to the snowfall.
Read MoreDo you love seeing all the birds your feeder attracts but find buying birdseed quite pricey? This birdseed substitute will be a little kinder on your wallet.
Read MoreThe 2024 Consumer Electronics Show showcased many new innovations and technology for the garden and lawn space. Here are our top pics from CES.
Read MoreA topiary is a great way to add some greenery to your front porch, but store-bought versions are quite expensive. Here's how to DIY your own for under $10.
Read MoreThough you wouldn't want certain birds in your lawn, others are pest-eating machines. Learn about the birds you should attract to solve your mosquito problem.
Read MoreIf your garden is full of flowers that bloom in the spring, you might be looking for the perfect complement. Azaleas provide a number of benefits.
Read MorePruning and thinning is an important step in maintaining healthy trees and shrubs. This is the best time of year to prune your garden's fig trees.
Read MoreIt's possible to minimize the risk of spider invasion by utilizing a pest control service. However, there's also a fragrant plant that will keep them away.
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