The Colorful Flower That'll Upgrade Your Garden's Tomato Game
For the best tomato harvest, use companion planting to your advantage. Placing one colorful flower species near your tomatoes will lead to loads of benefits.
Read MoreFor the best tomato harvest, use companion planting to your advantage. Placing one colorful flower species near your tomatoes will lead to loads of benefits.
Read MoreDifferent rose species abound, so if you're deciding what to plant next, consider these differences between traditional roses and spray roses.
Read MoreIf you have an old mason jar lying around in need of a purpose, turn it into an easy and efficient bee feeder! Follow these steps to carry it out.
Read MoreGrowing dill for your favorite sauces and dishes? One vegetable can help keep your plants cool, calm, and collected during the summer. And dill helps it, too.
Read MoreIssues with neighbors can easily arise, especially if their plants are encroaching on your property. Here are some strategies to deal with an overhanging tree.
Read MoreIf you want to increase your tomato harvest without buying any new plants, discover how to produce more tomato crops from one plant with a pool noodle hack.
Read MoreIf your home feels like it's surrounded by yellowjackets, this sweet-smelling plant can help repel the stinging pests and give you more peace of mind.
Read MoreKnowing when to harvest garlic is hard; a few signs may indicate their readiness. Learn from TikTok the easiest way to tell when to harvest your garlic.
Read MoreIf you're not one of the rare people who enjoys doing lots of yardwork, there's one type of grass you should consider planting for a low-maintenance lawn.
Read MoreIf you want to add some plants to your home, a good approach to save some money is a DIY hanging planter that reuses those glass jars you have laying around.
Read MoreFor healthier soil all throughout the year -- and happier plants as a result -- here's an eco-friendly crop with effects similar to manure.
Read MorePlants can take up a lot of space, but you can only fit so many tables in your house. Luckily, a TikToker has shared a tutorial to build a wooden plant stand.
Read MoreWe had been seeing beautiful kokedama plants online and wanted to give it a whirl. We were surprised by just how rewarding this project turned out to be.
Read MoreWith spring approaching, knowing what plants are predicted to dominate gardens is invaluable. Our gardening expert shared her 2024 recommendations.
Read MoreGrowing potatoes is a long process, but there is one simple tip that can help increase your yield. Find out how to implement this method and why it works.
Read MoreEvergreen trees add constant beautiful greenery to your yard, but the area underneath is often devoid of grass. Find out why this happens and how to fix it.
Read MoreIf you aren't familiar with indoor fireplaces, you may not know you can't burn just any type of wood. During the Winter, these are the worst options.
Read MoreWatering too soon or too late after applying a pre-emergent can foil your efforts to prevent weeds. The best timing depends on the type of pre-emergent.
Read MoreSeveral factors can cause your grass to pull up from the ground. Creating the best treatment plan requires pinpointing the culprit behind your lawn problem.
Read MoreWith bluish-green erect stems, pickle plants can easily be propagated to expand your collection. Find out how to turn one plant into many succulents.
Read MoreWith high humidity from showers and baths, bathrooms are not where many houseplants thrive. However, that's exactly what this low-maintenance plant loves.
Read MoreIf you want to propagate your snake plant to produce more houseplants from cuttings, discover one crucial mistake you should always avoid making.
Read MoreYou can plant this unique and colorful South African flower in your yard to draw in hummingbirds and help them combat the negative effects of climate change.
Read MoreGardeners who are looking to level up the compost bin should look no further than their own body for a boost.
Read MoreTired of unwelcome -- and stinky -- skunk guests? Learn how to concoct a DIY skunk repellant at home and reclaim your space from pungent invaders.
Read MoreBirds are a great addition to any yard, but if you don't have the money to spend on a fancy feeder, try this DIY upgrade to a Dollar Tree birdhouse.
Read MoreLearn why HGTV's Ben Napier recommends crepe myrtles around a porch. Learn about how to grow crepe myrtle and where to use it in your landscape.
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