Why You'll Want To Plant Daylilies With Your Hostas In The Garden
Companion planting offers many benefits for your yard. Find out why your should plant perennial daylilies and hostas together in your garden.
Read MoreCompanion planting offers many benefits for your yard. Find out why your should plant perennial daylilies and hostas together in your garden.
Read MorePlanters can be incredibly pricey; this is why you may want to consider going the DIY route. This modern planter only requires garden pavers and a couple tools.
Read MoreEnglish ivy can be a beautiful plant to have in your garden. But what if you want to grow it indoors? Here's what to beware of before jumping in.
Read MoreVenus flytraps are unique and fascinating, so it's no surprise that so many people try their hand at growing them. But there's a learning curve.
Read MoreHere's the best way to clean all your equipment to prepare for this seed starting season and protect your new plants from cross contamination of harmful fungi.
Read MoreThe perfect perennial partners according to our expert: Pair this shade-loving plant with your azaleas for botanical harmony in your backyard garden.
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Read MoreWinter aconites add a gorgeous pop of color in early spring, but there are a few factors that you must keep in mind before planting them in your yard.
Read MoreDaffodils are a favorite spring flower of many, but if you don't plant them correctly, they won't flower properly. Here's the soil mistake to avoid.
Read MoreWith girl math or boy math, almost any purchase can be justified. Well, step aside frugal budgets, plant-obsessed shoppers have embraced garden center math.
Read MoreGiving your elm trees a metaphorical haircut once a year is essential to keeping them healthy. Here's some guidance regarding the when and how of the matter.
Read MoreCoffee grounds can be put to good use in more ways than one around the house, and they can be particularly beneficial for your backyard. Here's why.
Read MoreAre you growing potatoes in your home garden? If so, it pays off to familiarize yourself with these common mistakes so you can yield the best harvest.
Read MoreWhen you venture into the world of gardening, starting seeds can be a thrilling yet intricate process. This is the humidity mistake you might be making.
Read MoreCompanion planting and pest management often go hand in hand. Deter unwanted visitors by placing these beautiful flowers under your fruit trees.
Read MoreThere are already plenty of reasons to grow rosemary, given scent and culinary uses, but having it in your garden can deter a few unwanted visitors, as well.
Read MoreDo you want to draw adorable feathered friends to your yard? With these simple DIY hummingbird feeders, you can attract the color creatures for a sweet snack.
Read MoreWhiteflies can spell major trouble for the crops in your garden, so it's important to know how to recognize them and intervene before it's too late.
Read MoreSpotted surge is a sneaky weed that can take root under your nose. Give your lawn the support it needs to protect itself by adjusting your watering strategy.
Read MoreTransporting a sapling, either across your lawn or from a garden center, can be dicey, but a simple pool noodle hack can prevent damage to your new tree.
Read MoreMost people don't like seeing snakes slithering around in their garden. Luckily, there's one plant that helps keep them out of your backyard oasis.
Read MoreGrowing hydrangeas has its challenges and growing them from seed is even more difficult. Learn to avoid this common mistake before sowing your hydrangea seeds.
Read MoreHairy bittercress is a hardy weed that can spread like wildfire in a wide variety of environments. Here's how to keep it from taking over your yard.
Read MoreWorried you'll lose track of your seeds or mess with them when pulling weeds? Clearly denote them in your garden with this simple hack that may just be free.
Read MoreSave this kitchen scrap to help meet the pH needs of your daffodils and give the blooms a little extra support to ensure they thrive in your garden.
Read MoreIt's totally reasonable to be a little suspicious of products at dollar stores, but are low-cost seeds also intrinsically low quality? We explore the answer.
Read MoreWhile it may seem strange, pantyhose can actually be used in the garden. We have listed eight ways this clothing item can benefit plants, produce, and tools.
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