Simple Ways Gardeners Can Help Prevent A Further Decline In Insect Populations
While it's important to keep pests out of your garden, there are plenty of insects that are beneficial and necessary to protect. Here's how to do so.
Read MoreWhile it's important to keep pests out of your garden, there are plenty of insects that are beneficial and necessary to protect. Here's how to do so.
Read MoreAs a general rule, if there's a pest that's bothering you, there is a plant out there that can repel it. If ants are in your home, try planting this flower.
Read MoreEuphorbia lathyris, otherwise known as caper spurge or mole plant, has a fierce reputation for killing pests and repelling moles. But is any of this true?
Read MoreWhile adding more feeders to your yard may attract hummingbirds, there are a few things you should know before you hang multiple feeders in your space.
Read MoreBrown recluse spiders are known for their poisonous bites. However, this lookalike spider can actually benefit your garden. Here's how to tell them apart.
Read MoreWhile ultrasonic repellents use high-pitched sounds to keep pests out of gardens, they may not work on cats. Find out why and how to make them more useful.
Read MoreSome believe that coffee grounds can be used to fertilize orchids. Discover some of the reasons why this might actually harm your flowering plant.
Read MoreHard and lumpy garden soil isn't any good for growing a thriving garden. Try this easy TikTok hack for sifting out large clumps of soil using one common item.
Read MoreNot every homeowner is happy to share their living space with a bunch of critters. This is the secret weapon you need to keep geckos out of your home.
Read MoreWhile frogs can sometimes be a helpful addition to your yard and garden, they can potentially cause some problems. Here's a safe and simple way to deter them.
Read MoreYou don't need a green thumb for this garden. With an old glass bottle, you can build your very own tiny garden, perfect for biophilic décor or outdoor display.
Read MoreSometimes it becomes necessary to repot plants to encourage their growth and overall health. However, there are some common mistakes to avoid to ensure success.
Read MoreIf you've noticed lots of snakes in your yard and you're not sure why, discover 9 unexpected reasons and learn how to avoid luring snakes onto your property.
Read MoreIf you're looking for an adorable addition to your desk or countertop, try this simple DIY project that transforms a Tic Tac container into a mini terrarium.
Read MoreKnapweed is an annoying weed you might find in your yard. Luckily, there are a few ways to remove this weed to keep it from growing back again.
Read MoreWhen growing plants and herbs in your garden, success often depends on the season. Here is how to extend basil season with this genius bin hack.
Read MoreLessen the hand, wrist, and arm pain that can arise from gripping a lawn mower handle for long periods with this affordable, super easy pool noodle hack.
Read MoreMost people don't want to welcome creepy centipedes into their homes. So, the next time you see one, should you reach for common table salt?
Read MoreThough mums are an autumnal favorite, the plants can actually survive year-round. Use these tips for planting mums for gorgeous blooms every year.
Read MoreCastile soap isn't just a staple in the bathroom -- it's also a hero product in the garden. Here are all the ways you can use it in your yard and shed.
Read MoreWhile yellowjackets can be beneficial to your garden, you don't necessarily want to attract them to your yard. Learn what mistakes to avoid to keep them out.
Read MoreAre you sick of having to clean out your bird feeders? Learn how to make a feeder out of an apple that will completely decompose so no cleanup is necessary.
Read MoreIf you're familiar with insect-repelling plants, you might know that some plants also repel snakes. If you have a snake problem, will lavender do the trick?
Read MoreIf you're dealing with stubborn weeds, you may be hesitant to use herbicides. Fortunately, there's a common kitchen ingredient that will solve the issue.
Read MorePurple fountain grass is undeniably beautiful. However, it can be problematic due to its vigorous growth habit. Instead, try this popular red ornamental grass.
Read MoreAre your sunflowers at the end of their life? Learn how to easily harvest the seeds from their blooms to use for snacking, birdseed, or growing more flowers.
Read MoreNot sure how to safely get rid of a mealybug infestation? Mixing a few flavorful kitchen ingredients can provide a simple and effective homemade solution.
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