Why TikTok Recommends To Avoid Starting Seeds In Plastic Trays
Home gardeners have been using plastic seed trays for years, but TikTok users are now asking you to avoid them and start your seeds in soil blocks instead.
Read MoreHome gardeners have been using plastic seed trays for years, but TikTok users are now asking you to avoid them and start your seeds in soil blocks instead.
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Read MoreNothing ruins your garden quite like the arrival of uncontrollable weeds, but thanks to creeping phlox, you can get rid of weeds and keep them out.
Read MoreIf you have some extra pieces of lattice from a fence or porch skirting project, learn how to repurpose this material both inside and outside your home.
Read MoreLemon juice can be used in a pinch to get rid of weeds, though its efficacy is somewhat limited, and it could have negative consequences on your soil.
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Read MoreWho doesn't love the majesty of dahlias? Here's what you should consider before choosing a spot in your garden to plant these gorgeous colorful flowers.
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Read MoreAre you looking for a way to support your vining houseplants? Our master gardener tried a trellis from Dollar Tree and saw great results for a low price.
Read MoreThis epic gardening hack helps you make use of an organic mulch you probably already have at home, and will support your beautiful health peppers.
Read MoreAttracting birds and maintaining a healthy lawn are two goals that have more in common than you might think. Learn what makes them mutually beneficial.
Read MorePropagating your plants with cuttings is an easy way to grow your garden. In the delicate early stages, a muffin tin can be a surprisingly useful tool.
Read MoreFew things are more satisfying than fresh herbs from your own garden. If you need to keep your harvest fresh, this jar hack will do the trick.
Read MoreMost people toss away toilet paper tubes on a regular basis. But if you have a garden, you can reuse them by buring them in it - and watch it thrive
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Read MoreSome people think that if seeds float, they're bad and won't turn into seedlings, and if they sink, they're good and more likely to germinate. But is it true?
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