Build A DIY Lawn Leveling Rake On A Budget
Buying a lawn leveling rake can be pricey but when yours is in dire need of smoothing and you're looking to get crafty, this DIY one is ideal.
Read MoreBuying a lawn leveling rake can be pricey but when yours is in dire need of smoothing and you're looking to get crafty, this DIY one is ideal.
Read MoreIf you have peonies but are worried about insects eating the flowers, these tips for keeping pests away from the plants are sure to come in handy.
Read MoreIt might sound outlandish, but the humble garden hose could be the answer to making your landscaping look more professional and unique.
Read MoreResealable plastic baggies are good for more than just holding sandwiches or snacks. They can be used in a variety of unique ways around the home and garden.
Read MoreTime to swap out a slightly shabby set of towels? Before you toss your old bath towels in the trash, discover some clever ways to repurpose them in the garden.
Read MoreAre you hanging mothballs near your bird feeder to keep squirrels, opossums, and other critters away? Not so fast. Here's why you should reconsider using them.
Read MoreIf your large wooden kitchen spoons are old, stained, and worn-down, learn how to repurpose them outdoors to benefit your plants and your garden's aesthetic.
Read MoreCreate a chocolate-scented oasis and indulge your senses with these six aromatic plants that will infuse your garden with the sweet, rich scent of chocolate.
Read MoreIf birds aren't taking up residence in your birdhouse, the problem may be the color. Discover 8 of the best colors to paint the outside of your birdhouse.
Read MoreDiscover which plants may attract unwanted snakes to your garden. Protect your outdoor space from potential snake encounters with these tips on plants to avoid.
Read MoreBeer isn't just a refreshing beverage... it may be able to help with pest control. Find out if you favorite drink can save you from a bug infestation.
Read MoreMint has a bit of a reputation in the garden, and if you want your other edible plants to play nice, you should avoid growing some of them together.
Read MoreDiscover a secret weapon against pesky pests with these ingenious ways to use aluminum foil. Use these eco-friendly solutions for a pest-free home and garden.
Read MoreIf you have an overabundance of ants or other pests in your garden or home, this simple and natural method can help you get them under control.
Read MoreThe adorably-named freckle face or polka dot plants are relatively low maintenance once you establish the right cookie jar based environment for them to thrive.
Read MoreBlackstrap molasses is a gooey, robust ingredient that adds quite a punch to any food ... and it adds quite a punch to your garden too!
Read MoreHeavy clay soil is infamous for preventing plants from getting their water, but there's a substance you can add that should solve the issue.
Read MoreBee balm is a must-have in your garden to draw in pollinators, but there are a few types of plants you'll want to keep away from these bee-friendly flowers.
Read MoreWhile the baptisia plant is native to much of the United States and isn't invasive, it does have another cause for concern. Discover what it is before planting.
Read MoreLosing precious soil is a common pitfall of repotting plants, as some dirt is often left behind. Thankfully, there's a clever and easy solution you can try now.
Read MoreIf you've got old, unused dishes lying around the house collecting dust, try upcycling them with these handy DIY projects in your home and garden.
Read MorePVC pipe might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about gardening, but it can be a useful tool for keeping unwanted critters away.
Read MoreDo you have an old comforter that's torn, worn, or stained? Instead of sending it to a landfill, try turning it into a useful or decorative item for your home.
Read MoreCrabgrass weeds can be an annoying and persistent problem for your lawn. However, there's a way to combat the problem -- if you have some patience.
Read MoreLearn how common kitchen ingredients can keep pests away from your patio. Find out how to deter gnats, ants, rodents, or other pests using pantry items.
Read MoreWe love all PB&Js, but we don't love empty glass and plastic jars taking up space. If recycling pick-up is a few days away, here are some ideas for those jars.
Read MoreWhether you're planting hydrangeas from the store or from another area of your yard, the risk of transplant shock can be nerve-wracking. Here's how to avoid it.
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