Save Money On Your Flower Planters With This Clever Division Hack
Creating beautiful fall planters may seem expensive, but this clever division hack can help you fill your planters without spending too much money.
Read MoreCreating beautiful fall planters may seem expensive, but this clever division hack can help you fill your planters without spending too much money.
Read MoreAs winter approaches and temperatures drop, every gardener's mind turns to winter-proofing their plants. Here's how to get your azaleas ready for winter.
Read MoreThe beautiful pink evening primrose attracts pollinators and is a sturdy grower. But, it grows too well for some, and can become a weed if not controlled.
Read MoreIf you love hydrangeas, then you're sure to adore the 15 flowers in this list, all of which offer a similar look to hortensia and its famed, showy mopheads.
Read MoreGrowing plants from seed is a long and rewarding process. Test your green thumb by trying to raise your own magnolia tree, but learn about this trick first.
Read MoreWhen you grow species that attract birds, it has many benefits for your yard and garden. Consider planting this tree and watch birds flock to its branches.
Read MoreMistaking invasive weeds for wildflowers could be detrimental to your garden. That's why it's crucial to discover how to identify and remove these species.
Read MoreWhile cosmos and black-eyed Susan flowers have similar care requirements, they should not be planted too close to one another because of one main reason.
Read MoreRoses' beauty extends far past the garden. After harvesting, you can use the plant in many ways. Find out the easiest method for de-petaling roses here.
Read MoreIf you're looking for dahlia companions, you'll want to steer clear of these three vegetables, as they will only serve as competition for the delicate flower.
Read MoreWhile it's tempting to want to grow as many beautiful, fragrant blooms in your garden as possible, there's one popular flower that you may want to forgo.
Read MoreWhile you can plant hydrangeas on a flat plot of land, they'll also thrive on a slope. Here's a tip to make sure they thrive on an incline.
Read MoreIf you're looking to enjoy your freshly grown peonies for as long as possible, here's a storage trick that will ensure they last for months.
Read MoreAbove-ground tree roots can ruin the look of your lawn and become a hazard. However, trying to remove them is a mistake. Cover them with these flowers instead.
Read MoreIf your yard is swarming with wasps, consider planting red geraniums. Here's why these striking flowers can help drive out those pesky insects.
Read MoreNot all hydrangea bushes are the same. While some need more sunlight or staking than others, this particular variety needs plenty of pruning to look its best.
Read MoreWhile some flowers pair well together in the garden, this is not the case for dahlias and sunflowers. Here's why you should avoid planting them together.
Read MoreLearn about "new wood" hydrangeas to find out how these plants vary from "old wood" varieties and whether they are a good fit for your garden.
Read MoreIf you don't have a green thumb, there's a particular type of hydrangea that may be ideal for you to grow. Discover what makes this type so easy to care for.
Read MoreAlthough planting sunflowers and black eyed susans together may seem like a beautiful idea, they're actually awful garden companions. Here's why.
Read MoreIf you have buds among your newly bought cut flowers, you can speed up their blooming with a simple one-two water punch that will see those buds open right up.
Read MoreArtificial plants and flowers have come a long way in recent years. Check out TikTok's quick trick for enhancing the look of your faux flowers.
Read MoreCaring for geraniums isn't black and white. Problems like yellowing leaves are caused by many factors. Here's what you can try to make them healthy again.
Read MoreWhether you're a professional gardener or don't have much of a green thumb, you could plant one of the following 15 white hydrangea varieties in your garden.
Read MoreIf you're on a budget but want to add a bit of beauty to your home or garden, you can score a great deal on hydrangeas at this grocery store.
Read MoreBleeding heart plants are stunning when in bloom, but not so much after they go dormant. Is it okay to cut back the plant once the foliage dies off?
Read MoreHydrangeas are perfect in a bouquet or vase. Learn about some of the best flowers to add to a bouquet with hydrangeas, including roses, tulips, and delphiniums.
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